ELAU PacDrive diagnosis messages
Một số mã thông báo lỗi trên các dòng điều khiển Motion của Elau PacDrive:
▪ 105 "Feedback error (track monitoring)"
▪ 107 "over-current"
▪ 113 "braking resistor defective"
▪ 114 "Reading error EEPROM"
▪ 115 "Gate-power failure"
▪ 117 "Reading error encoder EEPROM"
▪ 118 "Error in servo interface with encoder"
▪ 119 "Short or ground circuit in output stage"
▪ 138 "Prohibited motor"
▪ 144 "DC bus short circuit"
▪ 145 "DC bus ground circuit"
▪ 148 "Internal voltage error 15V"
▪ 160 "Under voltage power stage driver"
▪ 202 "Faulty configuration file"
▪ 203 "Faulty parameter file"
▪ 207 "Hardware module does not exist"
▪ 209 "Last boot failed"
▪ 300 "Division error" up to 312 "Parameter relocation failed"
▪ 700 "CAN Layer2 driver error"
▪ 701 "CAN Layer2 init error"
▪ 721 "Module not ready"
▪ 723 "No Profibus config data"
▪ 730 "Bad master parameter data"
▪ 731 "Automatic bus deactivation"
▪ 737 "Double IEC address assigned"
▪ 738 "Config. IO data > permitted IO range"
▪ 739 "Double profibus address assigned"
▪ 752 "No CanOpen EDS file exists"
▪ 753 "Initialization CanOpen module failed"
▪ 826 "Error during PIC FW update"
▪ 900 "Software error (suspend task)"
▪ 901 "Software error (invalid opcode)"
▪ 902 "Software error (page fault)"
▪ 904 "Software error (class 1)"
Video sửa lỗi ▪ 105 "Feedback error (track monitoring)" và ▪ 117 "Reading error encoder EEPROM"
trên PacDrive C200 và MC-4:
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